Neanthe Bella Palm
Neanthe Bella Palm
will bring a tropical feel to any space,It’s dark green fronds create a bushy, lush plant perfect for tabletops, desks, and shelves.
The Parlor Palm requires very little care and is an excellent air purifier. This indoor plant is highly adaptable making it perfect for offices, businesses with less than ideal growing conditions.
Parlor palms, like most other palms, like moisture. Soil should remain evenly moist, but never soggy or waterlogged. Give the soil a thorough watering once soil is dry about 25% deep.
Parlor Palms are considered low-light palms, but that doesn’t mean “no-light”. They prefer bright filtered light.
Parlor palms require little maintenance. They can grow wild, and become a bit unruly, so pruning can be done for aesthetic reasons, to keep the plant tidy.